Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Suddenly the most useful tool on the internet is a little know feature on it's a rating system for places you might have deposited your money and you are not sure anymore whether you should move it. It's called Safesound. It occurs to me if we all checked it out, make a move for the safer and stopped hoarding, this crisis will blow over because the antidote to a debt crisis is lquid savings.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Wow...all this writing finally got me a writer. Go figure. The whole series is good...execs and analysts weighing in on Microsoft vs. Google will fall out in their neck of the woods.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Microsoft buying Yahoo may be bad for data portability, I just realized. I was reading through some recent articles when I put two and two together on this topic.

Most people, I suspect, don't know that while Google and Yahoo pretty freely let people import their contacts into social networking sites (and theoretically site's of any kind), Microsoft restricts this simple data portability function and sends cease and desist letters to companies that hack around it. They'll only permit a site to import Hotmail contacts if they make Windows Messenger the exclusive IM client for the site. Otherwise you need to pay 25 cents per user per year for Widows messenger to be one of the IM options.

Yahoo on the other hand has been at the forefront of data portability and OpenID and I can't imagine them winning that battle once they are inside Microsoft. Jerry and David are far more idealistic than Terry, and trapped in a non-idealistic world (let's be helpful and publish our browser bookmarks, oh snap now were a multi billion dollar company). It occurs to me that while there has been a lot of talk about the Yahoo rejecting the deal because of the share price, there must be a lot of huge cultural issues like this that they need to iron out before any price could be attractive to them.